The current federal budget is the starting point for this project. Just like in any budget, the long-term goal is to take in at least as much money as you spend.

Federal Spending

Why collect all this tax money?

Federal Revenue

How does the government get its money?

In many ways, 2020 and 2021 have been outliers for the federal budget due to the enormous amount of economic stimulus paid to companies and invididuals.

The White house estimates that in 2022, federal expenditures will total $5.7 Trillion, and receipts will total $4 Trillion. Leaving a deficit of $1.7 Trillion for 2022. As the country's economic recovery continues, the deficit is projected to decrease to a mere $1 Trillion by 2024.

While economists and politicians disagree widely on when and why the government should finance itself with debt, everyone agrees that a government cannot remain financially stable while continuing to run deficits indefinitely.